Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari Mac freeze with RS232

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On Samstag, 25. Mai 2019 02:09:17 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:
> You don't need one, any file should be fine for that test.

Well yes, but i fear i still can't test it. Too much missing there (a working 
X enviroment amongst others ;)

But grepping through the headers i found that at least on netbsd, there is no 
fileno_unlocked function and/or macro. The normal fileno() is just a macro 
that accesses the _file member, without any locking.

On netbsd and openbsd, either that macro is used, or a library function 
called, depending on a __isthreaded variable. Same applies to feof(), 
ferror(), clearerr() etc. netbsd has a fileno_unlocked macro, but openbsd 

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