Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari Mac freeze with RS232

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I have a FreeBSD based server, I can do some tests (no X though, only console)


czw., 23 maj 2019 o 23:33 Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> napisał(a):

User just provided enough info that I could find out why
Hatari freezes on his Mac when RS232 is used:

Does somebody have a BSD?  I'd like to know whether its fileno() has
the same problem as Mac libc is derived from FreeBSD), and if yes,
what defines should be checked at Hatari build time for that?

Alternatively we could always use fileno_unlocked() in rs232.c, but
that would need first a check for whether given function is present
in the system as all systems don't provide that.  I don't know whether
its use could cause some rare problem when RS232 is re-initialized

        - Eero

Semper Fidelis

Adam Klobukowski

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