MINT on GEMDOS? Was: Re: [hatari-devel] Floppy formatting support

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On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 9:38 PM Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 7 May 2019 at 21:08, Roger Burrows <anodyne@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
IIRC, it's non-existent.  I'm pretty sure that I had to test on real hardware
when I added desktop floppy formatting to EmuTOS.
Oh, that explains it then. :-) I didn't expect it from Aranym but I had a hope for Hatari.
If you have something that needs a real floppy, I can test it for you.
If it wont bother you too much, I'm trying to confirm this report:

So all that's needed is to download one of the snapshots and try to format a floppy. There are preconfigured builds with TeraDesk included, so it's really only about unpacking the snapshot to C: and reboot. Feel free to report your findings there.

I'm not able to get the snapshot to work using a GEMDOS drive. Should that work?

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