RE: [hatari-devel] Lockup Falcon demo

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First of all, thanks for taking and interest in my demo :)

I had few issues with hatari when developing that demo and at some point I gave up completely and used the hardware.
Some issues I've encountered:

1. Host port interrupts didn't work very well on DSP side
2. My audio routine which uses DMA handshake was totally messed up on hatari. Before I gave up it looked like transfers were incorrect

There could be some other problems. I don't know if DSP timer is emulated.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eero Tamminen [mailto:oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 2:03 PM
> To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [hatari-devel] Lockup Falcon demo
> Hi,
> Is somebody able to get Mystic Bytes' "Lockup" Falcon demo to run in Hatari:
> I've tried several options and Hatari versions and only way I can get it to run is
> to disable DSP (none/dummy), but then I miss most of the rendered 3D
> graphics.
> Otherwise it just terminates at start with the following output:
> 	Timeout in dspReadWord
> 	- Eero

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