Re: [hatari-devel] My automated macOS Hatari builds

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Le 17/11/2018 à 20:45, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

Of course, no intention to have them being secret :) I'm just not satisfied with some of the manual steps I do in the setup to get things working. Although I'm been able to shrink them greatly over time.

Also, the reason I moved to my home server is that I just found out that VirtualBox's support for macOS has been greatly improved lately. I'm actually running this build server virtualized on my Ubuntu server.



no problem, I thought there might be some specific parts that need to be cleaned as it's often the case when one set his own scripts and need to share them later :)

As for virtualbox, this is also what I'm planning to try (already have a macOS virtualbox image), so I'm more than interested in the steps you took to have all the dev env running, but there's no hurry on my side.


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