Re: [hatari-devel] new 060 Demo F22.0 by lamers doesn't work

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Le 07/11/2018 à 19:53, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Le 07/11/2018 à 02:46, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Mittwoch, 7. November 2018 00:16:37 CET Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
$01044fcc : f23c
That is a fmovem.x. Can you look at the bytes after that instruction
($1044fcc-$1044fd4 in your example, they are not printed). Maybe only a bug in
the disassembler, but might also be some wrongly decoded opcode.

Here is the disasm code (some opcodes are less readable than with the full software FPU and are displayed as dc.w) :

First, I've included the history on the 20 last instructions, then the disasm at the first instruction after the RTS.


you're using the 'external' disassembler that can be used with "--disasm ext" ; you can try to use the winuae cpu core own disassembler by running hatari --disasm uae. Or when in the debugger after a breakpoint, enter "o --disasm uae" to change it.

For example, you will get :

00010000 f215 6700                FMOVE.S FP6,(A5)

this should be easier to see where the demo fails.


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