[hatari-devel] new 060 Demo F22.0 by lamers doesn't work

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I've given a try to the new demo F22.0 by Lamers.
It doesn't work under hatari.

I've put the following breakpoint :  b pc=$e00fb6    +     history cpu 1000

I've done 2 tries :

First try with 68882 FPU and second try with internal FPU. In both cases, the demo stops at the same adress/instruction.

To be noticed : the debugged code is different if I choose one FPU or the other (see below).

My conf : falcon 68060 cpu, 68882 FPU , Full software FPU emulation, 256 Mb of ram, 32 bits addressing mode.
I get the following error :
$01044fbc : f215 6700                          fmove.s (a5),fp6
$01044fc0 : f22d 6680 0004                     fmove.s 4(a5),fp5
$01044fc6 : f22d 6600 0008                     fmove.s 8(a5),fp4
$01044fcc : f23c                               DC.W $f23c
$01044fd4 : f214 6580                          fmove.s (a4),fp3
Debugger: *CPU breakpoint*
The fmove.s to fp3 seems not to work.

My conf : falcon 68060 cpu, Internal FPU , Full software FPU emulation, 256 Mb of ram, 32 bits addressing mode.
I get the following error (the same error as pevious) :
$01044fbc : f215                               DC.W      $f215
$01044fc0 : f22d                               DC.W $f22d
$01044fc6 : f22d                               DC.W $f22d
$01044fcc : f23c                               DC.W $f23c
$01044fd4 : f214                               DC.W $f214
Debugger: *CPU breakpoint*

Hope this helps


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