[hatari-devel] Hatari segfault on cold boot with MMU + EmuTOS

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Following segfaults latest Hatari from Mercurial:

* hatari --cpulevel 3 --mmu on --tos etos512k.img
* use AltGr-C to cold boot after EmuTOS bootup logo
  (sometimes, very rarely, you need do this more than once)

-> Hatari NULL pointer access segfault with stack corruption
   i.e. I can't get backtrace with Gdb (or valgrind)

There's no Hatari crash, if I instead:
* disable MMU
* use any other CPU level than 030 (= different MMU)
* use Hatari build from May -> crash is a regression
* use original Atari TOS -> different MMU setup?
* do warm boot

It happens only with 030 MMU + EmuTOS + cold boot.

One can use any machine ST/TT/Falcon, it happens with
all of them, if one specifies 030 MMU for them.

EmuTOS version needs to support MMU i.e. be 256k or
512k one, and v0.9.1 or newer.

Can somebody else reproduce this?

	- Eero

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