Re: [hatari-devel] Cycle exact setting affects nf_scsidrv

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Le 11/10/2018 à 22:11, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

I don't see these flushes in your nf_scsidrv.c Hatari code.

Tested patches welcome! :-)

Since I cannot reproduce the original issue anymore, which is not that
surprising if it's about caches, I will only be able to test that currently
with this patch on my machine it works as expected.

But first I need a hint how to correctly convert "unsigned char *" to
uaecptr. Of course, I could just pass 0, becausing flushing ignores
the address and size anyway :-).

uaecptr is just a 32 bit pointer to somewhere in the emulated machine memory, so it's just an unsigned int

src/cpu/sysdeps.h:typedef uae_u32 uaecptr;

for example, look at GemDOS_SNext() in gemdos.c


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