Re: [hatari-devel] Keyboard layout and two small bugs

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Christian Zietz schrieb:

> It is with the SDL2 build, the "official" Windows binary as available on
> <>. I'm afraid I've given up
> building Hatari from source under Windows, at least for the time being...

I used the "--trace keymap" option suggested by Eero in the other post
to debug the issues reported by me:

a) Symbolic keymapping: "´"/"`" key does not work. Pressing it produces
the following output:
key down: sym=180 scan=46 mod=0x0 name='┬┤'
key map: sym=0xb4 to ST-scan=0xff

A keymap.txt just containing the line...
.... can thus fix this issue, since 13 (=0x0d) is the scancode of the
corresponding key on the Atari keyboard.

b) Scancode mapping: "<"/">" key and "#"/"'" key map to the same Atari
key. Pressing  "<"/">" (left of the Y key on the German keyboard)...
key down: sym=60 scan=100 mod=0x0 name='<'
key map: sym=0x3c to ST-scan=0x60
Pressing "#"/"'"...
key down: sym=35 scan=49 mod=0x0 name='#'
key map: sym=0x23 to ST-scan=0x60

The latter should probably be mapped to ST-scan 0x29 (= "#" on the
German keyboard).

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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