Re: [hatari-devel] STe DMA sound

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On 14/04/2018 at 18:00, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
By the way, do you hear the same artefact with Hatari 2.0 ?

Hmm... No, definitely!
When present, it can easily be heard in the first 2 or 3 seconds of the main Lethal Xcess menu.

So that 7 KHz oddity is a regression in Hatari 2.1.
We have progressed.

With current HG sources, I have also commented out DmaSnd_GenerateSamples() as a test.
Result: Good YM music, no DMA digidrums, and no 7 KHz issue
It seems to indicate that the 7 KHz artifact comes from the DMA, unless I'm mistaken...

Vincent Rivière

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