Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots are saved in Hatari installation directory

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----- On Feb 16, 2018, at 8:07 AM, Nicolas Pomarède npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Le 16/02/2018 à 16:56, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
>> I have looked into how to add this today and plan to do it during the
>> weekend. Currently I think the cleanest solution is to add a new
>> screenshot-path to paths.c which would be initialized to working

Maybe the path should be in hatari.cfg (then it is configurable).
And don't break what already works for others.
I think a user-friendly software package should be customised
by the packager for a specific platform (customised hatari.cfg).

>> directory on non-Mac platforms and the result of the contents of
>> the if it exists or ~/Desktop/ if it
>> doesn't on macOS.
>> ScreenSnapShot_SaveScreen in screenSnapShot.c would then be changed to
>> do Paths_GetScreenshotDir() instead of Paths_GetWorkingDir()
> Hi
> yes, this would be the correct place to do it and it should not have
> side effect.
> Nicolas

As a temporary workaround, isn't it possible to put a 'link' to Hatari
on the desktop? Then screen shots would go to the desktop.

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