Re: [hatari-devel] Very slow emulation when enabling Cycle Exact |
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Le 13/02/2018 à 17:33, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> Le 13/02/2018 à 17:26, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
>> FWIW:
>> On my core i7 machine Hatari uses 100% CPU in Falcon emulation (16MHz
>> 68030, DSP option doesn't matter) regardless of cycle exact setting.
> Note that emulation will be even slower when DSP is really used.
> You can see that with DML "030" demo : in the part where DSP is not
> used for computing, music will often play at normal speed, but as soon
> as dsp emulation is necessary, music will slow down (more or less
> depending on your cpu).
> Cycle exact mode in 2.1 also includes cache emulation (which was not
> the case in Hatari 2.0 IIRC), so this will take even more cpu.
Ah, ok. My MAcBook have a i5 at 2.4GHz. Hatari Process running at 100%.
Tested on my PC (core i5 4690 at 3.5 GHz), it's not even faster.
> In short : full falcon emulation requires a really recent/powerful CPU
> :) (I also have an i7-6700 @ 3.4 GHz and it's not enough to run "030"
> in realtime)
In short: this Cycle Exact option have no interest for common people ?
Or just to debug ?
> Nicolas