Re: [hatari-devel] Relase 2.1 this week

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On 02/07/2018 11:47 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 06/02/2018 à 23:16, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
On 02/06/2018 09:23 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 06/02/2018 à 19:14, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
On 02/06/2018 04:58 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
unless someone ask for more time to push some last minute code, I'm planning to do the release this week, maybe wednesday or thursday.

Well, I'd like the cache terminology & explanations in profiler
and manual to be correct before release.

I see you just committed changes for this, do you have more pending ?

Not sure yet as I haven't reviewed everything yet, but if
you're in hurry to make a release, I think it's OK. :-)

Sorry, too late for the changes you just pushed, they won't be included in 2.1 as the various binary/archives were already built at this time (as you can see, version was already increased to 2.1 before you committed)

No problem, people can always view latest version
directly from hg repo:

Or wait for the next release. :-)

	- Eero

PS. I noticed you had pushed some merges to repository.

Mercurial supports nowadays "hg rebase", if one wants to avoid
merges in the repo history.  Just add something like this to
rebase =

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