Re: [hatari-devel] 68000: Wrong order of bus accesses for move.l xx,-(Ay)

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Le 26/01/2018 à 20:50, Toni Wilen a écrit :
This should fix it. Also fixes exception stack frame fault address if
MOVE.L ea,-(an) causes address error.

Thank you. I didn't try applying the patch to Hatari source code, so I
have to ask: Does it also fix MOVEM.L xx,-(An), which also writes in
descending order?

No but next fix will :)


I pushed your changes from WinUAE to Hatari.

Christian, this should fix addx/subx/movem/move cases ; can you confirm your test programs are not failing under Hatari now ?

But as Toni wrote, more cases might need fixes.


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