Re: [hatari-devel] little problem with 060 CPU and prefetch or cycle exact modes |
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Hi Thomas, I'm using the current dev version. I got it when I select 060 + prefetch or cycle exact modes. My params : System : Falcon Wakestate3 Dsp : full Blitter in st mode ON Patch timerD off Boot faster : off CPU : 68060 clock : 32 Mhz (also 16 Mhz doesn't change anything to the problem) Fpu : I've got the problem with both none, internal or 68882 Cpu parameters : prefetch mode : on (does the problem) cycle exact : on (does the problem too) MMU disabled 24 bits enabled (or disabled doesn't change anything) TOS 4.04 FR 14 Mb RAMYesterday evening, I changed parameters one by one to try to figure out which one does the problem.
It seems that 68060 + prefetch mode or cycle exact is the bad combo. Regard Laurent Le 08/07/2017 à 10:12, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Thu, 6 Jul 2017 10:42:54 +0200 schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:Le 05/07/2017 à 23:45, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :Hi all, I've got a problem with the 060 CPU : If I run hatari with 060 CPU and prefetch mode AND cycle exact unchecked, hatari runs well. But If I check (activate) either "prefetch mode" or "cycle exact", the desktop displays very very slowly. Is it a bug in hatari ?I can not reproduce that problem. What are your other CPU settings? CPU frequency, MMU, ...? Which TOS version are you using? Also, I assume you're using the mercurial tip? Or are you referring to the 2.0 release version?For now, don't use prefetch or cycle exact for 68060, even it didn't slow down Hatari, you wouldn't see any better results anyway (there's no cycle exact mode for 68060).Yes, agreed, but we should try to fix that slow-down anyway to prevent that other users accidentially end up in this situation, too. Thomas
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