Re: [hatari-devel] Temporary bad patch to fix Agony/dnt crew (Falcon)

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On 04/07/2017 12:46 AM, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
I've got a very bad but easy patch to allow Agony/DNT Crew demo to work
from beginning to end :

In Videl.c, just add  videl.vertFreqCounter++;

See the code above.

I can verify this.

I think this is the reason why their Chaos A.D. demo doesn't
anymore freeze either.

I don't know if this should be uploaded in the repository or just kept
in mind.

I commited it.

At least, the demo runs from beginning to end with this patch.

There are a few glitches here and there but it doesn't freeze.

When I'll take the time to integrate and finish correctly the Videl
code, there should be no more need of this patch.

Ok, waiting for it... :-)

	- Eero



 *  Write Vertical Frequency Counter (VFC)
void VIDEL_VFC_ReadWord(void)
    IoMem_WriteWord(0xff82a0, videl.vertFreqCounter);
    LOG_TRACE(TRACE_VIDEL, "Videl : $ff82a0 Vertical Frequency Counter
(VFC) read: 0x%04x\n", videl.vertFreqCounter);

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