Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Feature request: allow to specify "-d" with autostart

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Hi Eero,

thank you for taking time to look at this.

* "-d" option is already used for specifying GEMDOS HD directory
  (if you specify e.g. floppy image after that on command line,
   then A: is the boot drive, not GEMDOS HD C:)
Yes, this is what I have figured out in the meantime, this is good (if one uses an ACSI boot drive).

* For autoexec to work, boot drive must be GEMDOS HD
  (because it works by hooking TOS *.INF file read, and
   TOS reads that only from boot drive)
This is the problem, yes. Isn't possible to make a simple hack where you would listen to Fopen() / Fread() / Fclose() on *.INF and supply the content regardless of the source? Something like a super lightweight GEMDOS HD. ;-)

* Currently Hatari validates that autoexecuted program path and
  file are OK.  This cannot be done if the option doesn't know
  where it will be in the file system hierarchy, which would be
  the case with your proposal
I could live without this.

Instead, my proposal is an option for specifying the autostarted
program with full path:
  --auto <x>            Atari program autostarting with Atari path

Attached is a patch implementing that.  Only validation it does
is that the drive letter isn't obviously bogus.
I tried it and works OK. While it's definitely a step forward, it doesn't solve my problem for 100% however. Right now I must have one specific (GEMDOS HD) drive with AUTO, ACCs etc and copy my binaries there to make the binaries autostarted after AUTO. So imagine I want to have a setup with MagiC and setup with TOS. In my vision I'd just specific different ACSI/IDE image with this setup and supply a path to my binaries, either as a folder or directly as a file. Folder works, so this is solved, only the file remains.

Opposite solution (having my files on an ACSI/IDE imagine and boot/parse from a GEMDOS HD) isn't very helpful either as I'd need to create images everytime I want to run my binaries. ;-)

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes

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