Re: [hatari-devel] VDI resolution

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On Wednesday 15 March 2017 18:10:24 Cocoa Pod wrote:
> What is tos492 ?

A beta version of the development done after 4.04 that was never officially 

Its a bit strange that EmuTOS works in Falcon mode, but not for STE; the STE 
resolutions should be much better supported.

For the other cases: it sometimes requires a bit of experimenting. The AES and 
desktop of 2.06 are sometimes confused by non-standard resolutions, and just 
open the physical workstation with the wrong device id. If you get it running 
at a higher resolution, in TOS 3.06 you cannot change the resolution in the 
desktop for example, because anything > 640 "can only be TT high resolution".
But it is possible, with TOS 3.06 i use a resolution setting of 1280x960x16, 
which is clamped by Hatari to 896x672 because it limits the screen memory to 

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