Re: [hatari-devel] VDI resolution

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Experiments that I made
STE,     68000,  8 MHz,  tos206, 4 MiB, VDI 640x480 16 colors -> Blank window
MegaSTE, 68000,  8 MHz,  tos206, 4 MiB, VDI 640x480 16 colors -> Blank window
MegaSTE, 68000, 16 MHz, etos094, 4 MiB, VDI 640x480 16 colors -> Blank window
Falcon,  68030, 32 MHZ,  tos404, 8 MiB, VDI 640x480 16 colors -> Blank window
Falcon,  68030, 32 MHZ, etos094, 8 MiB, VDI 640x480 16 colors ->  RUN
Falcon,  68030, 32 MHZ, etos094, 8 MiB, VDI 800x600 16 colors ->  RUN

What is tos492 ?

Le 15 mars 2017 à 16:26, Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Ok all seems run fine except VDI résolution.
If I enable VDI résolution I get always blank window below.
Anyone know why ?

Which resolution did you set, and what tos version are you using? Extended VDI
modes don't work with all versions, at least not with 4.04.

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