Re: [hatari-devel] Re: XHDI extension proposal

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2017-02-17 14:04 GMT+01:00 Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Bump XHDI protocol number version to 1.40

I'd prefer 2.00, considering that we are ages away from 1.30 now..

> New data type
> ULONGLONG 64-Bit, unsigned, motorola style: 63...0

Please ensure that any data types etc. do not ust work with GCC but also at
least with Pure C. Just like for the existing XHDI bindings and docs should
be provided. Just mentioning that because we should not just deal with the
MiNT world ;-).

Sure. For 32bit only compiler I think it is save to assume it is two ULONGs one after another? (as it is passed by the stack there should be no diffrence)
> LONG XHReadWrite2 (UWORD major, UWORD minor, UWORD rwflag,
>                              ULONGLONG recno, UWORD count, void *buf);

The count should be at least ULONG.

I thought about that but wasn't sure 

> LONG XHGetCapacity2 (UWORD major, UWORD minor, ULONG *blocks,
>                                ULONG *blocksize, ULONGLONG* capacity);

blocks must be ULONGLONG * because whe also need 64 bit here.

My mistake :)

Semper Fidelis

Adam Klobukowski

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