[hatari-devel] XHDI extension proposal

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I'd like to propose an extension to XHDI protocol to handle sector numbers bigger then 32 bit (64bit).

Uwe Seimet expressed his interest, so if we could come to an agreement on that, there is a chance we'll get it in Hddriver update soon :)

see original XHDI doc here: http://hddriver..seimet.de/downloads/xhdi-130.zip


Bump XHDI protocol number version to 1.40

New data type
ULONGLONG 64-Bit, unsigned, motorola style: 63...0

LONG XHReadWrite2 (UWORD major, UWORD minor, UWORD rwflag,
                             ULONGLONG recno, UWORD count, void *buf);

Like XHReadWrite, just a change of type of recono

LONG XHGetCapacity2 (UWORD major, UWORD minor, ULONG *blocks,
                               ULONG *blocksize, ULONGLONG* capacity);

Like XHGetCapacity, just aditional parameter, ponter to ULONGLONG where it will put the capacity. Returns the same capacity if it fits 32 LONG or -1 if it does not.

LONG XHInqDev3 (UWORD bios_device, UWORD *major, UWORD *minor,
                           ULONGLONG *start_sector, BPB *bpb, ULONGLONG *blocks,
                           char *partid);

Like XHInqDev2, just changes the type of start_sector and blocks.

Semper Fidelis

Adam Klobukowski

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