Re: [hatari-devel] TOS 2.06 / TT

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Am Sun, 12 Feb 2017 21:47:03 +0200
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi,
> On 02/12/2017 09:02 AM, Thomas Huth wrote:
> > Am Sun, 29 Jan 2017 22:11:56 +0200
> > schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:  
> >> On 01/28/2017 08:03 AM, Thomas Huth wrote:  
> >>> I guess we should simply block TOS 2.06 in TT mode, too.
> >>> AFAIK there was never a TT which was shipped with TOS 2.0x,
> >>> so it does not make too much sense to allow this.  
> >>
> >> I noticed that you commited this change.  However, for
> >> some reason TOS version initated switching from TT to STE
> >> (TOS 2/1.6) or ST (TOS 1.4) doesn't work, the resulting
> >> machine configuration doesn't boot?  
> With tracing, I found that the machine actually boots
> up fine, only problem is with display, it's black.
> > Works for me. Do you've got maybe something special in
> > your config file?  
> Yes.  it happens with this:
> 	hatari --borders off --machine tt --tos tos206uk.img
> If I use "--borders on", i.e. enable overscan support,
> everything works fine.
> How that can be a problem???

Interesting bug ... but it is fixed now: The problem basically
was that the initial window was created by the generic screen
convert functions, but due to the machine switch, we finally ended
up the ST/STE screen convert functions here - and since the window
resolution stayed the same, Screen_SetSDLVideoSize() returned false
so that Screen_SetupRGBTable() was never called and thus Hatari only
rendered black pixels.


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