Re: [hatari-devel] Tests with the cycle exact fix 68030

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Le 06/02/2017 à 23:09, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 02/06/2017 11:47 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 05/02/2017 à 23:58, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Bounds 2 : OK

For me, Bound 2 still requires disabling CPU exact mode???

(Bound works fine now without disabling that & prefetch though.)

just tested bound2 with CE mode + 4 MB RAM and demo works correctly.

That's weird, for me it freezes here:
$0001fb30 : btst   #1,$ffffa202.w  50.00% (17091199, 153835170, 0, 639)
$0001fb36 : beq.s  $1fb30          50.00% (17091201, 102551221, 0, 161)
$0002170a : addq.l #1,$0462.w       0.00% (800, 8000, 0, 1600)
$0002170e : addq.l #1,$0466.w       0.00% (800, 6400, 0, 1600)
$00021712 : rte                     0.00% (800, 8800, 0, 3200)

Unless I either disable CE or enable MMU (which also disables CE).

Do you have the same binary:
$ md5sum bound2.prg
bfccd5b37618f6434de2655f53f853ea  bound2.prg  (11729 bytes)
Yes, same md5.
The code above waits for DSP transmit empty ; just in case, are you sure DSP is enabled in your case ?

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