Re: [hatari-devel] More memory options -> changes needed for OSX UI |
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Le 16/12/2016 à 19:07, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
Sorry for the previous post, not intended to be here ;). Here is a patch for the change in memory configuration. (xib files, Prefcontroller.m) Does the TTRamsize parameter have any utility for non TT emulation ? And what about a 14Mb ST ??
A 14 MB ST is possible, some addons card exist to do so (but you also need to patch tos and/or have some special prg in your auto folder to detect this extra memory on a real STF). Usual max for STF/STE without modifying motherboard or soldering too much is 4MB.
TTRamSize is only for TT, but also Falcon. It should not be necessary on other machines like STF/STE;
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