[hatari-devel] Re: Hatari 2.0.0 fails to create symlinks in a chroot |
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On 11/26/2016 10:58 AM, Andrea Musuruane wrote:
On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 10:57 PM, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 11/18/2016 01:14 PM, Andrea Musuruane wrote:
We use mailing list(s) as "bug tracker" (and more persistent ones
are listed in Hatari documentation). Like other bug trackers,
you can post bugs there after you've registered. Registering
isn't restricted.
Of the mailing lists, on hatari-devel you get few mails every day,
on hatari-users, weeks can go without a single mail.
I'm currently subscribed to 19 different mailing lists. I'm sorry but
I really cannot take more. Please make a bug tracker available.
Our hosting service (tuxfamily.org) doesn't provide
a bug tracking service.
It is also very difficult to look for current bugs
Known, more generic bugs for v2.0:
And compatibility issues:
Latest status you get by checking "tip" instead of "v2.0.0".
and patches without one.
What kind of patches you're expecting?
I was updating the Hatari RPM in Fedora to v2.0.0 and I noticed that
mimetype icon symlinks are not created.
rpmbuild doesn't use absolute paths but is uses a specific destination
directory. The code in share/CMakeLists.txt seems to ignore the
destination directory and it uses absolute paths for symlink creation.
Hence the failure.
As you can see, it's not an absolute path, unless you've explicitly
specified one for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, or left it at the CMake
default ("/usr/local") value:
---------- share/CMakeLists.txt ----------------
foreach(type vnd.msa vnd.fastcopy x-stx)
install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf
foreach(type vnd.msa vnd.fastcopy x-stx)
install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf
----------- CMakeLists.txt ---------------
set(ICONDIR share/icons/hicolor)
I already do that. But CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not how you define a
DESTDIR (which is already set up correctly).
I What the documentation states is that you can use "DESTDIR" to
define (part of) CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (which is the real deal).
Not the other way round.
Please see the attached build.log to better see what's going on.
Log shows that you're giving absolute path to cmake:
instead of the relative one you wanted(?).
Anyway, even if you will correctly add a DESTDIR in the cmake script,
it will not work because the symbolic link path will no longer be
there when installing the RPM. It would be easier just to copy the
same file.
Could you propose a patch?
- Eero
PS. I'm not that familiar with the Hatari CMake build,
most of it was done by Thomas.