Re: [hatari-devel] Fix display of Atari logo with extended VDI resolutions

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Doesn't patching ROM make it possible to detect the emulator ?

----- Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 November 2016 21:31:21 Thomas Huth wrote:
> > I think you could use VDIWidth * VDIPlanes / 8 to calculate the current
> > line length in bytes. But that of course only works in VDI mode - that's
> > basically also why I suggested the TP_VDIRES below.
> Well ok, i already knew about VDIWidth, but i was looking for something that 
> just tells me the emulated screen size. Anyway, i have changed the patch now 
> to only be applied if using extended VDI modes. I also just realized that the 
> new routine fits within the replaced one, so there was no need to move it to 
> the end of the ROM, which simplifies it a bit.
> >Is that easier? We'd need to calc the CRC in that case, so I guess it's
> >rather easier if we skip the CRC check in TOS?
> I think yes, because you don't have to figure out where that CRC is calculated 
> for different ROM versions. And it will help for programs that copy the ROM 
> into RAM in order to modify it itself, like GEMRAM. I have added a patch that 
> will just do that, just in case ;)
> The third patch is for making the ROM for St-Book work. It is similar to 2.06 
> (and even has 2.06 as version in the header), but makes some accesses to 
> 0xd00000 which i had to patch out (TOS 3.06 also makes an access to 0xd000e0 
> very early, dunno why that does not give a buserror on Hatari). When setting 
> the machine type to MSTE, this should work now.
> Greetings,
> Thorsten
> PS.: just in case you did not know yet: A complete source version of TOS 
> 2.06/3.06 can be found at

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