Re: [hatari-devel] Fix for Falcon's noisy sound

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Le 06/10/2016 à 00:27, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
At least, I've tested with my current work and I can tell you that it's
There's no more glitch in sound. The falcon emu has a major update now
for 2.0

I'll test DSP sound, and other case to be sure there's no regression,
but at a first try, it's a perfect patch.

Thanks a lot Nicolas.


regarding DSP sound, it should not break it, but it should not improve it either. In the case of MP2/MP3 replay using the DSP for audio decoding then we still need better cycle counting at the moment in Hatari, else program relying on precise cpu/dsp timing will not work correctly.

So, fix is for DMA sound only, but it should cover most of the use cases in games/demos.

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