Re: [hatari-devel] New video code with STF wakeup state :)

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On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

step 3) could be coded without doing 1) and 2), but there would a risk of dealing with wrong pixels data (timing-wise if DE start/end is not correct) and to come with a bad rendering (mixing low/med parts on the same line requires to change resolution precisely when first IRx will be reloaded, else you end up with some kind of stabiliser and planes shifting, which is not the expected result).

step 3) will be the icing on the cake, as I think few programs used mixed resolution per line.

But step 2) will really improve a lot of never emulated demos with bad stabiliser / non standard timings (omega fullscreen without stabiliser, death of the left border has no stab but a hi/lo during 16 cycles, closure has also no stab on the right, ...) This would also "automatically" emulates the "4 pixel hardscroll" used by Alien.

Thanks for the detailed description. I'm looking forward to the day with low/mid in one line and maybe a debug screenmode (showing the entire 512*313 field, would be great to be able to see raster timing across all cycles :)

In your original post, you mention that "Death of the left border" should now work in all ws. Perhaps I have different copy, but I'm always getting bitplane errors no matter which ws I select. You also mention black vertical bands every 32 pixels on real ST. At least on my STe, I can't see that.

Anders Eriksson

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