Re: [hatari-devel] DSP Question REP instruction

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The manual does not point out though what happens if the instruction is NOT a single word instruction. Would be interesting to know what actually happens then on real hardware.

Roger Burrows <anodyne@xxxxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 0:55 Donnerstag, 28.April 2016:

On 28 Apr 2016 at 0:33, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:

> I've just detected a difference between Hatari DSP and real falcon DSP code.
> I wrote the following code :
>              rep        #3
>              lsl        a        #>-1000,b
>              sub        a,b
> The result was "as expected" under hatari but my code executed wrong on
> the real falcon.
> Does it mean that REP must only be followed by a single word instruction ?

In the DSP56000/DSP56001 User's Manual, page A-185, the description of the REP
instruction begins:
"Repeat the single-word instruction immediately following the REP instruction
the specified number of times."  The words "single-word instruction" are in
bold type.

Roger Burrows

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