Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari HG can't boot tos306fr.img anymore

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On 20/03/2016 07:49, Thomas Huth wrote:
Should be fixed now, please update to the latest hg version and have a

Ok, now I understand that those nops were to disable the MMU initialization when it is unchecked in the settings.

But it still crashes with a black screen and double bus error. See below the beginning of the ROM with the debugger:

CPU=$e00068, VBL=1, FrameCycles=99, HBL=0, LineCycles=99, DSP=$0
$00e00068 : f039 4000 00e3 6032                pmove     $e36032,tc
> s

CPU=$e00070, VBL=1, FrameCycles=102, HBL=0, LineCycles=102, DSP=$0
$00e00070 : f039 0800 00e3 6032                pmove     $e36032,tt0
> s

CPU=$e00078, VBL=1, FrameCycles=105, HBL=0, LineCycles=105, DSP=$0
$00e00078 : f039 0c00 00e3 6032                pmove     $e36032,tt1
> s

CPU=$e00080, VBL=1, FrameCycles=108, HBL=0, LineCycles=108, DSP=$0
$00e00080 : f379                               DC.W      $f379
> s
6888x no FPU: F379-0000 PC=00E00080

CPU=$0, VBL=1, FrameCycles=109, HBL=0, LineCycles=109, DSP=$0
$00000000 : 602e                               bra.s     $30
> s

CPU=$30, VBL=1, FrameCycles=112, HBL=0, LineCycles=112, DSP=$0
$00000030 : 0000 0000                          ori.b     #0,d0

Oho, that "6888x no FPU" warning was suspicious.
Indeed, I disabled the FPU in the settings.
If I enable it, it works! but something has changed, it worked fine with the same settings in previous Hatari release.

If a well-known TOS is not compatible with the settings, Hatari should at least issue an explicit warning. Or maybe patch the FPU initialization, as it does for the MMU.

Vincent Rivière

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