Re: [hatari-devel] TT palette bankswitching should be supported

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On 01.03.2016 18:55, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> Main thing I'd like a comment on, is my addition of
> TTPaletteSTBank variable which needs to be saved into
> memory snapshots, making them incompatible with earlier
> versions.
> It's not strictly necessary to know current/previous bank
> setting, but then SDL palette would need to be synched
> every time something is written TT shifter register.
> Which one you consider better?

Please try to avoid introducing duplicated state (i.e. an additional
variable) for things that are not really performance critical. For
something that is written so seldomly like the TT shifter, it's ok to
read the value everytime from IO memory when you need it.


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