Re: [hatari-devel] Bugreport: --avi-vcodec bmp

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Le 01/01/2016 17:34, Anders Eriksson a écrit :


a short bug report regarding recording video with BMP codec.

It appears that the first scanline is cropped away.  Then it reads one
scanline too far in the bottom generating a grey or white line.

And finally, testing video recording with BMP (again, VLC)

Half the first blue line is cropped. It means that it crops one line of
host machine line, not emulated machine line. And at the bottom we get
the grey line which shouldn't be there.

Hopefully an easy bug to fix.


thanks for the detailled bugreport. With BMP codec, images' lines are stored in "reverse order" (bottom first, top last ...) and there was an error in computing the first line to save.

So, instead of saving for example lines 400..0, it saved 401..1
Fix uploaded, it should work now, you can reencode all videos on ;-)

Happy new years!

Yes, a very happy new year to all Atari fans out there ! Hopefully 2016 will bring as many great productions as 2015 did !

PS : when posting a new message to the ML, please create a new one instead of replying to an existing one and changing its subject, this helps keeping messages threads consistent. thanks :)


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