Re: [hatari-devel] no more sound in falcon ?

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Am Thu, 24 Dec 2015 23:59:39 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello
> it seems current devel version doesn't have sound anymore when using 
> Falcon mode and crossbar/dsp sound.
> For example, there's no sound in "030" demo by DML and no sound in
> the game Beats of Rage.
> Sound is OK when using Hatari 1.9 ; do other people confirm this
> too ? Any idea how could have been changed since 1.9 that could break
> sound in falcon mode ?

I just checked Beat of Rage v1.1 and sounds seems to be working when I
start the game within a freshly started Hatari. However, when I do a
cold reset in Hatari first, the game does not start at all anymore
afterwards (but that might be the known problem e.g. reported here:

Did you check with old UAE CPU core, too? Maybe it's some timing
related problem?

Apart from that, there were a couple of DSP fixes between v1.9 and now,
so these could maybe cause trouble, too?


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