Re: [hatari-devel] TOS 2.06 and blitter

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I saw that post as well. However, in both the current development version and the 1.9.0 released version, the blitter is turned on if I use TOS 2.06. I have a special MegaSTe configuration that uses TOS 2.06 UK and sets the CPU to 16Mhz. When I look at the GEM desktop, the blitter is turned on. I have not run any system tests to confirm that it is really on, but Anarcho Ride seemed to be fluid for me when I ran it in this configuration.

Bob C

> On Nov 22, 2015, at 4:10 PM, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> According to this post:
> Blitter isn't enabled with TOS 2.06 in Hatari, but in
> STeem it is.  Should it?
> 	- Eero

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