Re: [hatari-devel] Removed 8-bit-only screen rendering functions |
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- To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] Removed 8-bit-only screen rendering functions
- From: Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 23:06:08 +0100
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; t=1446242769; l=7780; s=domk;; h=In-Reply-To:Content-Disposition:Content-Type:MIME-Version: References:Subject:To:From:Date; bh=YZ20jxHU4MVCAyVE5SGYUkgmk1H5aqFqabCOPvs892g=; b=pWa/K+OpETlg4yjkFgzz4qQDeeMCHhM9ylU+JtbIA810KpVIYqS9La3orgQ33l8yxJl 2OpHibHmd4dOttdJ0h9EUz+f98Zwg4KnuHj9Z5DAKNZIfORxf2N5/S3arUaWTsrVjKnjq rDbxpB9qodaFxLR8ffB4oEUH1qIoiNGGJ3Y=
Hi Thomas,
With these changes I stumbled upon some problems with the "Use extended
VDI screen" setting. Please see the attachment for my configuration.
When I start Hatari with these setting on Linux the initial Hatari screen
is black and the system seems to hang. When I now press F12, disable the
extended VDI screen, and then reboot, everything is fine except for the
screen being smaller than my initial settings. When I now press F12
again, re-enable the extended VDI screen and reboot, everything is also
fine and I get my desired screen resolution (1280x1168), just as
configured in the config file.
So toggling the extended VDI screen is required in order for the screen
settings in my config file to work. Before your changes these settings
worked out of the box.
Take care
> Hi all,
> I've now committed some patches to remove the rendering functions that
> can only output to 8-bit host screen surfaces (i.e. 256 color modes).
> I think nobody uses 256-color modes anymore today, so it should be fine
> if we limit the support in Hatari to 16-bit and 32-bit graphic modes.
> If you've got some spare time, please check whether mono, VDI, TT and
> Falcon screen modes are still working for you as expected, since I
> changed quite a bit to get everything working with one generic screen
> conversion function.
> I hope this also fixes the "font not working in Falcon mode" issue on
> Mac OS X, so feedback from somebody using Mac OS X would also be very
> welcome!
> Thomas
sLogFileName = stderr
sTraceFileName = stderr
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keySound = 0
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nPlaybackFreq = 44100
szYMCaptureFileName = /home/us/hatari.wav
bEnableMicrophone = TRUE
nSdlAudioBufferSize = 0
YmVolumeMixing = 2
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nMemorySize = 14
bAutoSave = FALSE
szMemoryCaptureFileName = /home/us/.hatari/hatari.sav
szAutoSaveFileName = /home/us/.hatari/auto.sav
nTTRamSize = 32
bAutoInsertDiskB = TRUE
nWriteProtection = 0
szDiskAZipPath =
szDiskAFileName =
szDiskBZipPath =
szDiskBFileName =
szDiskImageDirectory = /home/us/hatari
FastFloppy = FALSE
EnableDriveA = FALSE
EnableDriveB = FALSE
DriveA_NumberOfHeads = 2
DriveB_NumberOfHeads = 2
bBootFromHardDisk = TRUE
bUseHardDiskDirectory = TRUE
szHardDiskDirectory = /home/us/TT
#bUseHardDiskImage = FALSE
#szHardDiskImage = /home/us/hatari/acsi.img
bUseIdeMasterHardDiskImage = TRUE
bUseIdeSlaveHardDiskImage = TRUE
szIdeMasterHardDiskImage = /home/us/hatari/master.img
#szIdeMasterHardDiskImage = /dev/sdh
szIdeSlaveHardDiskImage = /home/us/hatari/slave.img
#szIdeSlaveHardDiskImage = /dev/sdc
nWriteProtection = 0
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nHardDiskDrive = 0
szTosImageFileName = /opt/atari/tos306de.img
#szTosImageFileName = /opt/atari/etos512k.img
szCartridgeImageFileName =
bPatchTos = TRUE
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szOutFileName = /dev/modem
szInFileName = /dev/modem
bEnablePrinting = TRUE
szPrintToFileName = /tmp/prn.out
bEnableMidi = FALSE
sMidiInFileName = /dev/snd/midiC1D0
sMidiOutFileName = /dev/snd/midiC1D0
nCpuLevel = 3
nCpuFreq = 32
bCompatibleCpu = FALSE
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bBlitter = FALSE
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bRealTimeClock = FALSE
bPatchTimerD = TRUE
bFastForward =TRUE
bAddressSpace24 = FALSE
bCycleExactCpu = FALSE
n_FPUType = 68882
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bFastBoot = TRUE
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nDisasmLines = 8
nMemdumpLines = 8
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AviRecordVcodec = 2
AviRecordFps = 0
AviRecordFile = /home/us/test/hatari/hatari.avi
bUseDevice1 = FALSE
sDeviceFile1 = /home/us/hatari/aranym.img
bUseDevice2 = FALSE
sDeviceFile2 = /home/us/hatari/win.img
bUseDevice3 = FALSE
sDeviceFile3 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
bUseDevice4 = FALSE
sDeviceFile4 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
bUseDevice5 = FALSE
sDeviceFile5 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
bUseDevice6 = FALSE
sDeviceFile6 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
bUseDevice7 = FALSE
sDeviceFile7 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
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keyOptions = 1073741893
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keyWarmReset = 0
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keySound = 0
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keySwitchJoy1 = 0
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