Re: [hatari-devel] PhotoChrome v6.2-pre |
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Le 16/10/2015 15:27, Douglas Little a écrit :
Hi! Doug, what is the width of the pcs image, 400 pixel ? Do you center it on the overscan screen by adding black pixels on left/right, and if so how much pixels ? The image is 416 pixels, and it tries to display all 416 - however it may be displaying less, as you say, due to border toggle periods and HW effects there. On my STE+LCD TV I seem to see the whole image but it's possible the TV is blanking a small part of it at one or both sides. I'll try converting a testcard to see how many pixels actually make it to the TV... It may only be 408 in fact - will see.
I have an old CRT monitor that I need to plug one day to check this. It has some buttons to center/move screen horizontally/vertically, which is useful to see pixels at the limits. So if I move screen to left, I don't see the 1st left pixels, but I see all the pixels to the right and I can see blank signal too. This way it's possible to see where the display really stops on ST.
From what I see when connecting STF/STE to LCD TV, the TV upscales the SCART image to be 1920x1080 and trim/alter some pixels doing so, which is not handy to precisely check pixel one by one.
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