Re: [hatari-devel] PhotoChrome v6.2-pre

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Le 15/10/2015 18:02, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Please try Douglas new PhotoChrome version:

It's mention edin AF thread here:

Are the the display issues at left & right overscan side
issues in Hatari or the program itself?  Right side issue
shows also without borders...


see image, this is what I get with dia416.pcs in STE mode tos 1.62, with a 416 pixel width window.

From what I see, the image is 400 pixel width ? Which would mean Hatari display 8 pixels more on left and right.

Regarding the left border, there's a hi/lo switch, so on real HW we would see black pixels I guess. In Hatari we see the color 0 changing on each line (so far Hatari doesn't emulate creating "blank" pixels when res goes Hi).

On the right border, there's no hi/low stabilizer (it's not necessary on STE), but here again we display 8 more pixels, showing color 0. Maybe on real STE the display really stops earlier than in Hatari, that would need to be checked on my STE.

Regarding the 2 extra lines at the bottom, it seems to depends on the various STF/STE models. Some STF could have a few more lines, but maybe STE always had 2 lines less. I would need to check that too on my STE.
For now, Hatari assumes the 2 extra lines are always there.

Doug, what is the width of the pcs image, 400 pixel ? Do you center it on the overscan screen by adding black pixels on left/right, and if so how much pixels ?

As to bottom of the overscan, that looks fine with
oldUAE core, but not with WinUAE CPU.

works fine for me using winuae cpu, but I have a more recent version where I made some changes for CE mode. Let's see what you will get once I push my changes to main repo in a few days.


Attachment: grab0001.png
Description: PNG image

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