Re: [hatari-devel] MacOsX, Hatari, SDL2

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Le 28/09/2015 19:49, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> Le 28/09/2015 19:27, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
>>     Hello,

> Did you notice any change in CPU usage on your make ?

I tried only one demo: Pace Maker under STe emulation. With SDL2, CPU
under 10%. With SDL1, between 15 and 37% !

There is some new bug due to SDL2 on MacOsX:
- sound doesn't really pause when you click on MacOsX menu (look like
it's playing continuously the last bytes making awfull noise)
- Full Screen crash. There is typically something different between the
two build (SDL 1 seems to change resolution, with a black screen, but
SDL 2 use the "MacOsX Way" to do Full Screen, with the screen scrolling
left, menus disapear.


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