Re: [hatari-devel] Atari TT emulation and SCSI/Atari SysV Unix

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I haven't been running it for years, but of course I have an image, like
I have backups of all my data. I still have the original hard disk it was
delivered on, because the first thing I did was cloning it to a bigger
drive and keep the original drive unchanged. (I don't have a tape drive,
but Atari also delivered the system on hard disks.) 
Anyway, I will not spend any time on it anymore. In the early 90s this
system was interesting because there was no Linux at all, not even for PCs.
Keeping it up-to-date was quite time consuming, but at least I managed
to get gcc patches accepted by the GCC folks at that time. I think gcc
2.95.2 is the latest version you can use with it. And with gcc 2.95.2
it was possible to at least compile X11R5 and Motif 1.2 with it at that
time. Compiling gcc took about a full day if I remember correctly ... A
cross compiler should help, though.
Nowadays, even for a hobby I would not spend time on this system
anymore. What you can do with it is simply too limited compared to
Linux. Trying to compile current software packages will most likely
require a lot of patching, not just because the system is so old, but
also because it is so exotic.

Take care


> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:28 PM, Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > And, by the way, it has never been free software. I paid about 4000 DM
> > for it. Guess I'm one of the very few who even has an original manual ;-).
> >
> Wow! Do you still have it running / mirrored to a file image? Some guys
> have made great progress to get SVR4 running in full glory:
> (look for later
> posts), maybe you could join forces to improve it even more, before it
> vanishes due to a disk failure or something else. Actually, I did the
> initial mirroring of those two images, I'd hoped somebody would catch up
> and indeed they did!
> -- 
> MiKRO / Mystic Bytes

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