Re: [hatari-devel] Atari TT emulation and SCSI/Atari SysV Unix

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No, Atari's SVR4 only runs on the TT. And the X11 distributed with it
only supports the TT high resolution. ACSI is not supported. This is
most likely because ACSI/DMA cannot directly access TT RAM. You
definitely should have TT RAM, though, because Unix requires much more
resources than TOS.

Take care


> Hi,
> On tiistai 11 elokuu 2015, Thomas Huth wrote:
> > On 10/08/15 20:57, Alex Madama wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > I was looking through the hdc.c code and noticed a bit of SCSI stuff
> > > besides the ACSI.
> > > Is full TT SCSI possible? And if so, can Hatari run Atari SysV Unix?
> > 
> > No, SCSI is not working yet, and no, nobody ever tried to run SysV on
> > Hatari yet. There's likely a lot of things left to fix and implement
> > before that can be run (e.g. the second MFP of the TT emulation is still
> > missing).
> Does Atari SysV Unix work on Falcon/IDE?
> Emulation for Falcon is more complete than for TT.
> 	- Eero

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