Re: [hatari-devel] TOS bootup tester results

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Le 26/06/2015 00:55, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Enabling MMU doesn't help, but enabling 32-bit addressing makes TOS v3
work also with 4MB of RAM.  I.e. it was actually 32-bit addressing,
not TT-RAM, that helped.

Why things work without 32-bit addressing when there's >4MB of ST-RAM?


memory above 4 MB was not a standard MMU confirguration. In that case, a patched version of the TOS is needed (or some programs in auto/ that will reconfigure the TOS memory map). In Hatari, we force a few system variables in stMemory.c to skip the hardware ram detection. When we skip the ram detection, I guess we also skip some parts of the boot process that requires 32 bit and that once the ram detection is done (or skipped), TOS doesn't try to access 32 bit address, only the ram that was declared in TOS.


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