[hatari-devel] Little debugger question : b pc=text

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When I use b pc=text and then reboot hatari, I get loops of

os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?
os_beg (0xe0398c) != TOS address (0xe00000), header in RAM not set up yet?

And I have to break and quit hatari.

I know I could use b pc=text:once but I often forget.

Would it be possible in hatari debugger to remove (or disable) the display and/or the test as long as the condition is false ?
Something to disable this test during boot sequence for exemple.

Best regards


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