Re: [hatari-devel] Re: FPU emulation issue with Q2

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Yes I'll try to arrange a testcase during the week.


On 26 April 2015 at 20:28, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 26/04/2015 21:22, Douglas Little a écrit :
Hi Laurent, thanks for the explanation.

Ok I'll stick with the older one for now. It would be nice to have the
AVI/PNG codec compression fixes in the old one though :-) Unfortunately
my Cygwin builds are a bit funny with mouse and audio...

The problem with the new one in cycle-exact mode is not a timing problem
BTW - it's some sort of emulation bug in FPU support. However I
understand cycle-exact mode is being worked on so I'll leave it for now..


would  you be able to build a small test program that uses those FPU instructions where you see some differences (crash or other) between old cpu core and new cpu core ?

It would help to debug (instead of running the whole quake 2)

If possible, please specify what FPU/CPU options were ticked in Hatari's UI when you get different results.


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