Re: [hatari-devel] Attaching an ACSI harddisk: 3 x Why

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On Thu, 12 Mar 2015 23:47:44 +0200
Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> On torstai 12 maaliskuu 2015, Thomas Huth wrote:
> > Actually, there is even experimental support for multiple ACSI hard
> > disk images in the Hatari source code. It's just not configurable in
> > the GUI yet. But you can add a second ACSI disk in the configuration
> > file, section "[ACSI]" - but please note that this feature is not very
> > well tested yet.
> I see, it was done as part of your ACSI changes in November/December
> 2013. I.e. it's supported in latest v1.8 Hatari release, it's just
> not mentioned in Hatari release notes or manual. :-)
> Could you some note about it to both?

Well, it's experimental development code ... I'd first like to add it
to the GUI and do more clean-up and testing with it before exposing it
to the users ... I just lack the time and motivation to finish that
stuff ;-)


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