Two of the fault cases throw illegal instructions on FPU opcodes, within
valid code.
$00028018 : f200 1400 fmove.x fp5,fp0
$0002801c : f210 4500 fmove.s (a0),fp2
$00028020 : f29b DC.W $f29b
$00028074 : f200 083a ftst.x fp2,fp0
$00028078 : f29d DC.W $f29d
$0002807c : f200 1528 fsub.x fp5,fp2
$00028080 : f201 DC.W $f201
$00028084 : f201 DC.W $f201
$00028088 : 2081 move.l d1,(a0)
$0002808a : f23c 4538 4020 0000 fcmp.s #$40200000,fp2
$00028092 : f29d DC.W $f29d
$000280ce : f201 DC.W $f201
*$000280d4 : ff70 DC.W $ff70 <--