[hatari-devel] Re: 040/060 emulation issue with BadMood

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Real users of 060 machines have complained of the game freezing when the CPU speed goes above 75MHz, so its very likely the problem is still with the game, not Hatari. I mean some timing differences must exist in Hatari anyway, but this should be absorbed by the game code since real machines vary also....

I'll test with recent Hatari and see what I can find.


On 1 March 2015 at 18:27, Douglas Little <doug694@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Both work with higher CPU clock (32Mhz) and TT-RAM, but freeze at level
start when I try Hatari's 040 or 060 emulation.  There's no Hatari output
when that happens (e.g. about bus errors).

It looks like a timing mismatch. What were the exact names of the build archives?

And which build was used to get the disasm? One of the earlier builds should sync on all transactions so timing issues shouldn't happen unless I missed one. The later ones relax the use of sync in some of the inner loops.


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