Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Yanartas crash

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If we move the discussion from synclocked lower border (where the cycle is 502 on both STE and STF, with the usual wake state dependant move 2 cycles later in WS2/WS4) to top border instead we're suddenly not synclocked any longer*. That means that other timings come into play - and there I have unfinished research pointing to a 4 cycle difference in specific wake states/a specific wake state (not all!). It does not change at which cycle the "border check" takes place - but it does influence where you end up after having used timers.

It doesn't surprise me that a demo can be fixed by making sure the "timer jitter" never triggers a miss - but this does not support the GLUE state machine border checks being different between ST and STE. Sorry. The code I posted in my earlier message is as simple as possible and shows it quite clearly.


*) I dare to bet in regular demo usage. However, for my state machine research I've opened the top border sync locked as well. 

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

[cc-ing hatari-devel]


thanks for doing the test on real HW, it will save me from switching on my STF :)

At least, it means I have nothing to fix in Hatari at the moment, as there's really a difference in opening the top border in STF due to this 4 cycles difference.


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