Re: [hatari-devel] FPU detection, who is wrong? |
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BTW, while trying out a new version of the detection code i found another problem. When i set the CPU/FPU in Hatari to 68040, i get a NULL frame instead of a IDLE frame. Looks like the fnop is not executed at all (fpu_state in cpu/fpp.c is still 0 when the fsave is executed). When i do something like fmove fp0,fp0 before the fsave, everythng is fine. I haven't tried the old UAE version, though.
I don't think old UAE FPU emulation emulated NULL state. Originally FSAVE always stored IDLE frames.
NULL frame emulation was implemented about 2 years ago when I found first program that required it. It FRESTORE'd manually created NULL frame, FSAVE'd it and checked if saved frame was NULL frame, if not NULL (or F-line exception) -> assume no FPU. This strange FPU detection is in official Amiga Unix (Amix, only compatible with 68030).
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