[hatari-devel] New WinUAE CPU core ST/e compatibility?

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While new WinUAE CPU core seems to have at least as good
Falcon compatibility as the old one, how compatible it
should be to ST/e?

I've noticed that overscan and spec512 palette tricks
in demos look all wrong (e.g. DHS Molz on STE or CareBears'
SoWatt on ST).

There are also several ST / STE demos which crash with
the new WinUAE core (I think it works better than old
WinUAE one though, just not as well as old UAE core).

No Cooper demo crashes at start, after ~5s:
Illegal instruction: 8b7f at 0000024C -> 04FC0B0A
Illegal instruction exception at 0x24c!
> history
$00000248 : 66d6             bne.s     $220         0.16% (6993, 55940, 0)
$00000220 : d9fc 7374 7978   adda.l    #'styx',a4   0.16% (6993, 83916, 0)
$00000226 : 8080             or.l      d0,d0        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000228 : c080             and.l     d0,d0        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$0000022a : 220f             move.l    sp,d1        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$0000022c : 3421             move.w    -(a1),d2     0.16% (6993, 55944, 0)
$0000022e : 2809             move.l    a1,d4        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000230 : 9097             sub.l     (sp),d0      0.16% (6993, 83916, 0)
$00000232 : e2b8             ror.l     d1,d0        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000234 : d440             add.w     d0,d2        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000236 : b547             eor.w     d2,d7        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000238 : 4e6a             move      usp,a2       0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$0000023a : 260a             move.l    a2,d3        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$0000023c : 9083             sub.l     d3,d0        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$0000023e : 1613             move.b    (a3),d3      0.16% (6993, 55944, 0)
$00000240 : d043             add.w     d3,d0        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000242 : e8b8             ror.l     d4,d0        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000244 : 3282             move.w    d2,(a1)      0.16% (6993, 55944, 0)
$00000246 : b3c8             cmpa.l    a0,a1        0.16% (6993, 27972, 0)
$00000248 : 66d6             bne.s     $220         0.16% (6993, 55940, 0)
$0000024a : 7e95             moveq     #$95,d7      0.00% (1, 4, 0)
$0000024c : 8b7f             DC.W      $8b7f
Debugger: *CPU exception*
> r
  D0 26C54BEB   D1 0007FFFC   D2 FFFF7E95   D3 504F4D00 
  D4 0000024A   D5 00000000   D6 00000000   D7 FFFFFF95 
  A0 0000024A   A1 0000024A   A2 504F4D21   A3 FFFF8209 
  A4 D0AA16F8   A5 00000000   A6 00077FBE   A7 0007FFFC 
USP  504F4D21 ISP  0007FFFC 
T=00 S=1 M=0 X=0 N=1 Z=0 V=0 C=0 IMASK=7 STP=0
Prefetch b0b2 (CMP) 8b7f (ILLEGAL) Chip latch 00000000
0000024C 8b7f                     ILLEGAL 
Next PC: 0000024e

Continuing at this point, gets:
Address error exception at 0xfc9284!
CPU=$fc9284, VBL=257, FrameCycles=156576, HBL=305, LineCycles=416, DSP=N/A
$00fc9284 : 4e75                               rts
> r
  D0 BF64236B   D1 FFFFFFFF   D2 FFFFFFFF   D3 504F4D00 
  D4 0000024A   D5 0000FFFF   D6 0000FFFF   D7 FFFF0000 
  A0 00000408   A1 0000093A   A2 0007C880   A3 FFFF8209 
  A4 04FC0B52   A5 00000000   A6 000017BE   A7 000017B2 
USP  504F4D21 ISP  000017B2 
T=00 S=1 M=0 X=0 N=1 Z=0 V=0 C=0 IMASK=7 STP=0
Prefetch 206f (MOVEA) 4e75 (RTS) Chip latch 00000000
00FC9284 4e75                     RTS 
Next PC: 00fc9286
> c
Exception 3 (fc9286) at fc9284 -> 3fc0b0a!
Address error exception at 0xfc9284!
<repeated on each continue>

Equinox' Eat My Bollocks, Virtual and Vodka demos crash right at start:
Exception 2 (0) at fc0ee4 -> fc0ee6!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $ff8e20.
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $ff8e22.
M68000 Bus Error writing at address $ff8e22.
M68000 Bus Error writing at address $ff8e20.
Bus error exception at 0x1872!

CPU=$1872, VBL=74, FrameCycles=27216, HBL=53, LineCycles=80, DSP=N/A
$00001872 : 7200                               moveq     #0,d1

UML Darkside demo crashes at startup too:
Exception 2 (0) at fc0ee4 -> fc0ee6!
Bus error wput at 739c5004
M68000 Bus Error writing at address $739c5004.
Bus error wput at 739c5006
M68000 Bus Error writing at address $739c5006.
Bus error exception at 0x10010!

Whereas Sector One's No More Froggies freezes at start.

Btw. I'm able to get zero successive cycles also on 68000,
e.g. at No Cooper boot:
Exception 2 (0) at fc0ee4 -> fc0ee6!
WARNING: Zero cycles for successive opcodes:
$00000000 : 602e                               bra.s     $30
$00fc0ee4 : 7002                               moveq     #2,d0                     
100.00% (1, 0, 0)

	- Eero

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